Back pain: Causes

Woman with back pain

Understand back pain

The origin of back pain can be difficult to unearth, but effective symptomatic relief is available even if the cause is not known.1,2

The reason for the pain developing may not be known

Graphic depicting potential causes of back pain

Back pain can arise due to a number of different reasons

Conditions commonly linked to back pain include:1

  • Muscle or ligament strain
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Skeletal irregularities
  • Bulging or ruptured disks

However, back pain often develops without a specific cause. In this case, the back pain is referred to as ‘non-specific’ back pain.2,3

The location of the pain can sometimes point to an origin

  • Upper back pain

    Man holding upper back

    Pain in this area may be due to muscle or ligament problems, poor posture, an injury or a trapped nerve.2

  • Lower back pain

    Man holding lower back

    The cause of pain in this region is often hard to identify. Possible initiating issues include strains from lifting incorrectly or injury following an awkward body movement, poor posture or long periods of immobility.2

Understanding back pain

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Signs and symptoms

Explore an overview of how to recognise back and neck pain and know when to refer patients.

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Learn how back and neck pain can be managed.

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Overview of sprains and strains

Find out about how prevalent sprains and strains are, and meet two patients with these problems.

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Voltaren 12 Hours Emulgel 2%

Voltaren 12 Hours Emulgel 2% for joint pain and osteoarthritis

Up to 12 hours of relief from joint pain.4

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Panadol Extend

Panadol Extend

Provides immediate release and pain relief up to 8 hours.5,6

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Patient care resources

Access our patients resources to help your patients relieve their pain.

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