Nexium Control overview

Nexium Control Range

The UK’s No 1 for 24-hour heartburn protection1

Unlike antacids and alginates that treat the symptoms of heartburn, Nexium Control tackles the cause by targeting acid directly at the source providing long-lasting protection.

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Nexium Control – Clinically proven protection for frequent heartburn

Tooth icon

Long lasting protection

With just one pill a day Nexium Control provides up to 24 hour protection for frequent heartburn sufferers.

Visual of 8 out of 10 people

Clinically proven

8 out of 10 people reported first resolution within the first week of treatment with Nexium Control.

Visual for 4 out of 5 nights heartburn free

Nighttime relief

4 out of 5 nights were heartburn free for patients using Nexium Control.

Nexium Control – Your first line recommendation for frequent heartburn

  • Frequency is key

    Dentine hypersensitivity recurrence cycle and management goals

    A key question for heartburn sufferers

    Suffering more than once per week with heartburn is classed as frequent heartburn.

    Regardless of its severity, frequent heartburn makes the oesophagus sensitive to acid such that it does not take a lot to trigger burning pain

    Ask your patients ‘How often do you suffer from heartburn each week?’

    Learn more about how the frequency of heartburn may impact treatment recommendations by clicking here.

  • 24-hour heartburn protection

    Visual of proton pump in stomach

    Break the cycle of short-term heartburn relief with Nexium Control

    Nexium Control is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) containing 20mg esomeprazole.

    It works by reducing the production of acid in the stomach, providing up to 24 hour protection from heartburn.

    Antacids and alginates only offer short-acting relief from the pain of occasional heartburn until the stomach empties. At this point more acid is produced and the cycle starts again.

    Nexium Control can break the cycle of short-acting relief by reducing the production of stomach acid for up to 24-hours. It treats the cause and symptoms of heartburn, allowing time for the oesophagus to recover from the acid irritation.

      Duration of treatment Mode of action
    Antacids 1-3 hours Neutralises acid content in stomach. Repeated dosing necessary for newly secreted acid.
    Alginates Up to 4 hours Forms a raft on top of stomach contents to prevent escape through sphincter. Repeated dosing necessary for newly secreted acid.
    H2 blockers Up to 12 hours Blocks one of the 3 signals that stimulate acid production. Intermediate duration relief.
    PPI’s e.g. esomeprazole Up to 24 hours Acts on proton pump to reduce acid production. The lack of acid leaking from the stomach gives the oesophagus a ‘holiday’ from acid.

    Find out more about the science behind Nexium control

  • Helping to restore quality of life for sufferers

    Graph of quality of life impacts of frequent heartburn

    Nexium Control helps restore frequent heartburn sufferers’ quality of life

    Frequent heartburn can cause significant disruption to people’s lives, forcing them to avoid certain foods or making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

    Research has shown that within just 2 weeks of treatment with esomeprazole, the active ingredient in Nexium Control, the impact on quality of life by heartburn can be significantly improved or normalised.

    Improvements in scores were observed in nearly every quality-of-life parameter measured, including:2

    • Social functioning
    • Vitality
    • Activities affected by emotional or physical health
    • Pain
  • First line treatment for frequent heartburn

    NICE guidelines recommend PPI’s, such as Nexium Control, as first line treatment for frequent heartburn3

  • Find out more about frequent heartburn from a sufferer

    Find out more about the impact of frequent heartburn in this video featuring a patient who also shares how Nexium Control has helped to provide him with relief.

Find out more about frequent heartburn

Explore videos, product guides and other resources to support you and your team when recommending Nexium Control for frequent heartburn.

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Recommend Nexium Control for your patients with frequent heartburn

Nexium Control 28 tablet pack

Nexium Control 28 tablet pack

For patients with recurrent frequent heartburn who have used esomeprazole successfully and seek the value and convenience of a larger pack.

Nexium Control Resistant Tablets

Nexium Control 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets (Esomeprazole)

Nexium Control 7 tablet pack is an ideal trial pack with one-week supply. Nexium Control 14 tablet pack offers the same protection and offers a 2-week treatment course.

Nexium Control capsules pack shot

Nexium Control 20mg Gastro-Resistant Capsules (Esomeprazole)

Easy-to swallow mini capsules – 53% smaller than tablet* in a portable bottle. Complete 14-day treatment course.

*based on volume

  • Product Information

    Nexium Control 20 mg gastro-resistant tablets and Nexium Control 20 mg gastro-resistant hard capsules (Esomeprazole). Indications: The short-term treatment of reflux symptoms (e.g., heartburn and acid regurgitation) in adults. Dosage: The recommended dose is 20 mg (one tablet or capsule) per day. Tablets or capsules may need to be taken for 2-3 consecutive days to achieve symptom improvement. Maximum treatment duration: up to 2 weeks. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active substance, substituted benzimidazoles or to any of the excipients. Esomeprazole must not be used concomitantly with nelfinavir. Warnings and precautions: Patients should consult a doctor if: They have significant unintentional weight loss, recurrent vomiting, dysphagia, haematemesis or melaena and when gastric ulcer is suspected or present, malignancy should be excluded to avoid delay in diagnosis. Also, if they have had previous gastric ulcer or gastrointestinal surgery, been on continuous symptomatic treatment of indigestion or heartburn for 4 or more weeks, have jaundice or severe liver disease, are aged over 55 years with new or recently changed symptoms. Long-term recurrent symptoms of indigestion or heartburn require regular doctor consultation and those over 55 years taking any non-prescription indigestion or heartburn remedy daily should inform their pharmacist or doctor. Nexium Control should not be taken as a long-term preventive product. Treatment with PPIs may lead to a slightly increased risk of GI infections such as Salmonella and Campylobacter and in hospitalised patients, possibly Clostridium difficile. Patients should consult their doctor before taking this medicinal product if they are due to have an endoscopy or urea breath test. Co-administration of esomeprazole with atazanavir is not recommended. The potential for interactions with medicinal products metabolised through CYP2C19 should be considered. Concomitant use with clopidogrel is discouraged. Not to be taken with another PPI or H2 antagonist. Increased Chromogranin A (CgA) level may interfere with investigations for neuroendocrine tumours. PPIs are associated with very infrequent cases of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE). If lesions occur, especially in sun-exposed areas of the skin, and if accompanied by arthralgia, medical help should be sought promptly, and discontinuation considered. SCLE after previous treatment with a PPI may increase the risk of SCLE with other PPIs. Contains sugar spheres (sucrose). Not suitable for patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase insufficiency. Side effects: Refer to the SPC for full details. Common: headache and GI disorders, including abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, and nausea/vomiting, fundic gland polyps (benign). Uncommon: peripheral oedema, insomnia, dizziness, paraesthesia, somnolence, vertigo, dry mouth, increased liver enzymes, dermatitis, pruritus, rash and urticaria. Legal category: GSL (7s and 14s) and P (28s). Product licence number: GSL: Capsules PLGB 44673/0221 & Tablets PLGB 44673/0222, P: Tablets PLGB 44673/0225. MAH: Haleon UK Trading Limited, The Heights, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0NY, U.K. RRP (excl VAT): Tablets: 7s £5.99, 14s £10.39, 28s £17.59. Capsules: 14s £11.19. Text prepared: Aug 2023

Nexium Control – the UK’s No 1 for 24-hour heartburn protection.1

Icon of stomach


Find out more about frequent heartburn including a profile of a patient who may suffer from the condition.

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