Denture care: Overview

Understanding denture care as a professional
Teeth form an intimate part of how we look and feel, and for 12% of Australians who rely on either a full or partial denture, dentures do too.1
Patients face challenges at all stages of the denture journey, and may be required to adapt to a number of different prostheses: partial dentures, immediate dentures following tooth extraction and full dentures.2,3
Each patient’s experience will be different. Individual medical, physical and psychological factors, such as oral anatomy, and how the patient adapts to their prosthesis, can affect how their dentures perform.2–6
Read more about denture care for professionals in oral health

Causes and Mechanisms
Find out more about the factors that can limit denture performance and compromise hygiene

Impact on patient quality of life
Find out about the impact that dentures have on patients’ daily lives