The science of bi-layer technology
The bi-layer technology uses two formulations – an immediate release layer on the outside of the caplet that releases 31% of paracetamol rapidly2 and a second underlying layer that delivers the remaining 69% of paracetamol2 for up to 8 hours of pain relief.1

Basics of bi-layer technology
The caplet contains two layers. The top most layer releases paracetamol rapidly whilst the second layer more slowly.1
In one study, 80% of patients found Panadol Joint (with bi-layer technology) to be as effective as celecoxib.3
Discover the Panadol range with bi-layer technology

Panadol Joint with bi-layer technology
The sustained release tablet releases drug at a rate which ensures therapeutically active plasma paracetamol concentrations are rapidly attained and maintained until up to 8 hours after administration.4
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