Managing COVID-19 symptoms and post-vaccination symptoms with paracetamol

Information you can trust
Paracetamol has more than 60 years of history as a treatment for fever and mild to moderate pain, but what are the guidelines for its use during the COVID-19 pandemic?
To support you at this difficult time, we have drawn together guidance from health authorities around the world, giving you all the information you need on COVID-19 and paracetamol in one place.
Managing COVID-19 symptoms
Paracetamol is recommended by public health authorities as part of the symptomatic treatment of COVID-19. Patients presenting symptoms of COVID-19 infection should seek appropriate medical advice and follow local guidance. Read more from the World Health Organisation and European Medicines Agency
Paracetamol use post COVID-19 vaccination
Health authorities around the world recommend the use of paracetamol to treat fever and mild pain symptoms following vaccination. Read more from the NHS and CDC.
General paracetamol advice
Patients should always read and follow the label and should never take more than one paracetamol-containing product at one time. Patients should always use the lowest dose and shortest duration of paracetamol needed to effectively relieve their symptoms, and should contact a doctor or pharmacist if in any doubt.

Why should you consider recommending Panadol Advance for treating COVID-19 associated fever and pain?
Paracetamol, the active ingredient in Panadol Advance, is recommended for treating fever or pain(e.g. headache, muscle ache) in patients suffering from COVID-19 by PAHO, ACIN, Saudi MOH and EMA.

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