Association for Dental Education in Europe | www.adee.org
The Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) represents Dental Educators who are bringing through the next generation of Dentists. Haleon has immense respect for their endeavours to ensure that institutions produce world-class Dentists of tomorrow. The ADEE is committed to the advancement of the highest level of health care for all people of Europe through its mission statements:
- To promote the advancement and foster convergence towards high standards of dental education
- To promote and help to co-ordinate peer review and quality assurance in dental education and training
- To promote the development of assessment and examination methods
- To promote exchange of staff, students and programmes
- To disseminate knowledge and understanding on education
- To provide a European link with other bodies concerned with education, particularly dental education
Haleon is proud to partner with ADEE as a Platinum Sponsor to ensure that institutions produce world-class dentists of tomorrow.