Corsodyl short-term treatment

Not all chlorhexidine formulations are the same
In a 5-week randomised study, Corsodyl 0.2% w/v Mouthwash was more effective at inhibiting plaque growth when compared with another commercial 0.2% chlorhexidine solution with an anti-staining agent.5
After 4 days of treatment:5
- 73% reduction in plaque with Corsodyl 0.2% vs. 37% with comparator*5
- 78% reduction in biofilm vitality with Corsodyl 0.2% vs. 26% with comparator*5
Images show the vitality of the plaque biofilm after 4 days of treatment determined using an image analysis program to discriminate green (vital) bacteria, yellow (vital and dead) bacteria and red (dead) bacteria5
*Mean values and statistical comparison between placebo and two chlorohexidine solutions in terms of plaque index, plaque area and biofilm vitality

Corsodyl 2mg/ml Mouthwash
For patients with gingivitis who need short-term intensive treatment.
Alcohol Free.

Corsodyl 1% Dental Gel
For patients with gingivitis who need short-term intensive treatment . Prophylactic against plaque, gingivitis and other infections of the oral cavity at reduced opportunity maintenance of good oral hygiene
Help your patients on their journey to optimal gum health