Aesthetic Dentistry has evolved leaps & bounds in last couple years and the new age contemporary bio-smart composite resins have actually narrowed down the gap between the direct & indirect restorations when it comes to aesthetic finesse & longevity of the treatment outcome. Composite resins empower the clinician to manage complex aesthetic situations in a minimally invasive way and offer a much more control in establishing the aesthetic and functional harmony.

The most important criteria to achieve a perfect blend in anterior restorations is the ability of the clinician to look through the layers of the natural tooth & create a custom shade recipe for restorative layering. This talk will elaborate on Facially Driven Aesthetics principles with MiCD layering concepts. The presentation will cover a wide range of topics from aesthetic treatment planning, layering & injectable techniques, developing macro-micro anatomy, characterizations and finishing-polishing protocols to achieve harmonious & flawless life-like aesthetic outcome.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the principles of Facially Driven Aesthetic Rehabilitations.
  • To simplify the protocols for achieving the perfect shade blends & aesthetic outcomes with minimum inventory & maximum predictability.
  • Illustrate methods to establish macro & micro anatomy, developing textures & characterizations
  • To understand predictable finishing & polishing protocols to achieve harmonious & flawless final aesthetic result

Event date : December 18, 2022

Start Time : 11:00 AM

End Time : 12:30 PM

Duration : 1.5 hrs

Language : English

Presenter's name : Dr. Amit Gulati

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