Common Health Needs

Man smiling at desk

Immune Support

The immune system requires adequate nutrition to mount a robust response to pathogens and immunizations. Worldwide, an estimated two billion people are deficient in key vitamins and minerals involved in immunity,2,3 including in developed countries.4 Malnutrition poses a greater challenge to the immune system during certain life stages, and as patients age. Age-specific multivitamin supplements provide nutrients that help support immune function and help preserve a positive state of wellness.

Doctor smiling while working

Nutritional Support

Good nutrition is related to overall health and wellness and a decreased risk for chronic conditions. Micronutrient shortfalls in the diet compromise energy metabolism, vision, reproduction, and many other bodily functions. The requirements for several key vitamin and minerals are and age-specific, and certain patients are at greater risk for malnutrition, which exists globally including in developed areas.1 Multivitamin supplements that are specifically designed with age in mind may be particularly helpful in bridging dietary gaps in key nutrients.

Graphic linework illustration of a brain

Is it time to THINK AGAIN about Multivitamins for Memory and Brain Health?

A landmark meta-analysis from esteemed researchers at Harvard and Brigham and Women’s Hospital are shining a light on the potential benefits of Centrum multivitamin supplementation for memory and brain health.5 The authors concluded that the evidence warrants consideration by clinical guidelines for the role of multivitamins in brain health.5

Explore the new clinical data and latest science in neuronutrition.

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

Here you will find a collection of educational resources to help you further develop your skills and knowledge in wellness benefit areas.

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